Genres - Fantasy;
Release date - 2017;
Rating - 359478 vote;
Average ratings - 7 / 10 Stars;
Creator - Joss Whedon
Goblife, collider, zachary levi. I think this might be Marvel's Best Solo movie since Iron Man or Thor I mean sure it has a few of the traditional MCU Cliches like having the Villain kill his henchmen, and having Badly timed Humor in some moments, but for the most part, they make a lot of choices that make this film more than just a fun Appetizer Popcorn movie. it had Heart, a Good story, a Great cast and it even has a Message to give: if you have Great things, Share it with People and to see one of these films actually attempt this was a genuine surprise for me. and it even gave us the first Best MCU Villain since Loki. I mean sure, we had OTHER good villains besides Loki, but they weren't the kind of villains I would call. Great. Loki was still better than all of them. but Killmonger may have even surpassed him. not only did he have a Great Motive, but he was also pretty much Right about nearly everything he said. and in the end, even after his death, T'Challa makes Eric's dream come true by revealing Wakanda's secrets. even the Love Interest was Decently Written! she wasn't just some chick for the king to Root, she actually did Stuff that progressed the Plot! like saving that last Herb before the rest were burned. had she not done that, the Black Panther cycle would've surely been dead. but yeah Black Panther was way better than I expected. and is the first Solo Marvel movie to have me think of ideas for the Sequel. like: having Doctor Doom be the main villain, showing us what happened to W'kabi before Infinity War, and showing us Even MORE of Wakanda! these are things I want to see happen in the Sequel. and even if the Doom part doesn't become a reality, I'll be there when the Sequel arrives. and I can't wait to see what comes next in this Trilogy! 8/10.
Justice league watchtower laser. Imagine when we see Barry runn from the omega beams, he instead runs into the speed force and meets the Barry Allen from the TV show. Black Panther was always one of my Favorite characters. I'm glad his movie was 100% total kick ass. DCEU please learn to keep your actors/actresses, thats why MCU is winning, Henry cavil please come back and play that role again 💪🏾. 1:03. Darkseid's Omega beam. I think Man of Steel is an amazing film,so underrated y hated for no reazon. So there is hope for this movie will be good like Batman vs Superman the directors cut.👍😎😎😎😎😎. With filming for upcoming content on hold and the constant voice of the #releasethesnydercut, releasing Zack Snyder's Justice League is hard to pass down. And a reminder that the theatrical release of the film was only two hours long and this upcoming version is four hours. The runtime alone shows there was far more to this story.
3:03 I know we went to war with amazons. But it was before my time. He said it in the tone of like he's already the King of Atlantis that time. Superman: Hey, crazy idea, but how about someone else fights the robot that runs on goddamn kryptonite. 1:05 IS THAT OMEGA BEAM? 😱. Justice league watch. Justice league watch avengers fanfiction. Chadwick Boseman Michael B. Jordan Lupita Nyong'O Danai Gurira Martin Freeman Daniel Kaluuya Letitia Wright Winston Duke Sterling K. Brown Florence Kasumba John Kani Angela Bassett Forest Whitaker Andy Serkis.
0:05 - exZACKly. Ever send I got this movie I watched it two times a day. Suicide Squad 080p Full Movies »»». Justice league watch online hd. This could revive the dceu or burn it in the Pitt of poopoo😂😂. I just love how Aquaman just walks away 😂😂. Justice league watch putlockers. Personally, my opinion, Joss Whedon sabotaged the first JL. 10 reasons why The Snyder Cut will be successful. 1. It had extremely positive reviews and high release demands from everyone who's seen it. 2. It will get a ton of viewers and HBO Max will get a ton of subscribers. 3. Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition was an improvement over its theatrical release. 4. Watchmen: Director's Cut and Sucker Punch: Extended Cut were too. 5. Snyder's Batman and Superman were taken a lot more seriously than Whedon's. 6. Snyder's Steppenwolf looked a lot more intimidating and imposing than Whedon's. 7. Cyborg had a much better character arc and Superman had a much better resurrection story. 8. Darkseid, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter appearing will be incredible geek out moments. 9. Zack Snyder filmed enough footage for two Justice League movies, which could lead to a trilogy. 10. Joe Manganiello teased an epic confrontation between Batman and Deathstroke.
Justice League watch the trailer.
2:58 - 3:00 😂 don't have a cape.
They spend a lot of time smacking each other around, but just once i'd like to see someone get a sneaky rear naked in as an opener and straight away take one of them out, or at least actually hold a grapple.
This isnt an official trailer. The flight scene and the shot of superman flying over the water is clearly from man of steel with a background edit. Its very well done though.
Talk about a comic book resurgence.
Justice League watchers.
Word of mouth will hurt this thing because it's mangled and dumb with no heart at all. Quite frankly, too dumb to enjoy. I know fanboys everywhere are circling the wagons to praise this movie but that in and of itself proves what I'm saying. Fanboys wanted to like it and apparently will look past all of its flaws.
Everyone else is saying or will soon be saying that JL is a dumb popcorn flick at best but really nothing special and just as bad as BvS. How can a film follow something that bad but still give anyone high expectations? Yet, thanks to good trailers, that's exactly what happened.
Well, the actual movie is going to lead to general disappointment especially if you're not already a fan. Campy, cheesy fluff pretending to be dark and serious usually fizzles out fast. Yet, as MOS proved this may be an indestructible franchise that won't die no matter how bad the stuff they churn out. No spoilers but trust me, the ending won't leave a good taste at all.
Just think, some people thought they were disappointed by MoS and BvS. If that's the case, then wait until they get a load of this thing. They added Flash,Cyborg but dragged that cool characters down to this level.
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Thanks for the fans :P hell yeah bring ittttttttt. Justice league watchmen style. One of the best superhero movies of all time. Now they should have given us the backstory of Aquaman and Cyborg but we know about everyone else. Freaking love this movie and F all the hypocrites. Also Barry wins at the end... One of the few scenes I actually enjoyed throughout this movie. Batman though should have played it straight throughout the entire film. The little grins, the attempts at humor here and there. Just didn't feel like Bats. If they wanted him to crack jokes he should have done so while being as deadpanned as possible.
I just rented the movie but it does NOT have the dubbing option for Portuguese which is my language, I would like to have my money back. This has some parts that stall and repeat scenes. In every experience I have had with renting movies from YouTube, there has been some problem. Their corporate office office has zero quality control. Loved the movie.
All Batman money and technology and he cant put a ramp on his crawler? You think with all the weight he has on him that having to jump from 5 feet to get out would be hard on his old joints. Basically the same design of the justice league in Young justice minus cyborg right. Crafty awesome effective skills in fighting, new weapons and power. Justice league watch series. Anyone else notice the Darkside Eye beams chasing The Flash at the end of that? Or am I just blazed? 😅.
Batwoman was gonna get cancelled anyway That's what they get for making a statement rather than a show. Bane would never have gone along with a plan that harmed so many innocents. He's an outlaw, but he does have some redeeming qualities.
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